As a part of their English program, 1st and 2nd grade students participated in the 2023 Spelling Bee Contest
. During the preparation weeks, all of the students worked really hard to develop their phonological awareness, increase their vocabulary and to reinforce their oral communication skills. Finalists were chosen for the competition, which took place last Tuesday and Wednesday.

We would like to thank and congratulate everyone involved; the students willing to put their skills to the test, the parents who supported their kids into accepting such a big challenge, and teachers who encouraged their students to give their best.
to the Winners
José Luis Valenciana V. 1st grade A
Carlos Antonio de la Maza C. 2nd grade A
Como parte del programa de inglés, alumnado de 1° y 2° de #PrimariaPereyra participaron en el Spelling Bee Contest 2023
. En las semanas de preparación trabajaron muy duro para desarrollar su conciencia fonológica, aumentar su vocabulario y reforzar sus habilidades de comunicación oral. La competencia con los finalistas se llevó a cabo el pasado martes y miércoles.

Agradecemos y felicitamos a todos los involucrados; los estudiantes dispuestos a poner a prueba sus habilidades, a los padres y madres de familia por el apoyo a sus hijos e hijas para aceptar este gran desafío y a sus maestras que los alentaron para dar lo mejor de sí mismos.

José Luis Valenciana V. – 1° A
Carlos Antonio de la Maza C. – 2°A